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Payment Security

All payments that happen on b2btripfare.in site are secure. our web site is using secure 128-secure socket layer(SSL)encryption provided by network solution. Visa, master card payments are processed through an online payment gateway system. You need not worry about your card information falling into the wrong hands because your bank will authorize the card transaction directly without any information passing through us. We do not capture any data pertaining to credit or debit card details on our site the client for all online payments are taken to the acquiring banks payment gateway site for completion of the transaction. The credit card or debit card information is not stored in any retrieval system or storage system of b2btripfare.in.

The merchant shall not be liable for any failure by the customer or third party making payment of fees to properly protect data from being seen on their screen by other persons are otherwise obtained by such persons, during the online payment process or in respect of any commission to provide accurate information in the course of the online payment process.